Cavaco a defender a sua razão-jurídica no quadro autonómico - mais parecia o "Sr. João Luís" a vender tapetes de Arraiolos...
Macro de grande, skopein de observar: observar o infinitamente grande e complexo. Tentar perceber por que razão a ave vive fascinada pela serpente que a paralisa e, afinal, faz dela a sua presa.
Philosophy and worldview
The grandson of a
Unitarian minister (Arthur Buckminster Fuller),[14] R. Buckminster Fuller was also Unitarian.[15] Buckminster Fuller was an early environmental activist. He was very aware of the finite resources the planet has to offer, and promoted a principle that he termed "ephemeralization"—which in essence, according to futurist and Fuller disciple Stewart Brand, Fuller coined to mean "doing more with less."[16] Resources and waste material from cruder products could be recycled into making higher value products, increasing the efficiency of the entire process. Fuller also introduced synergetics, a metaphoric language for communicating experiences using geometric concepts, long before the term synergybecame popular.
Fuller was one of the first to propagate a
systemic worldview and explored principles of energy and material efficiency in the fields of architecture, engineering and design.[17][18] He cited Francois de Chardenedes' view that petroleum, from the standpoint of its replacement cost out of our current energy "budget", essentially the incoming solar flux, had cost nature "over a million dollars" per U.S. gallon (US$300,000 per litre) to produce. From this point of view its use as a transportation fuel by people commuting to work represents a huge net loss compared to their earnings.[19]Fuller was concerned about sustainability and about human survival under the existing socio-economic system, yet optimistic about humanity's future. Defining wealth in terms of knowledge, as the "technological ability to protect, nurture, support, and accommodate all growth needs of life", his analysis of the condition of "Spaceship Earth" led him to conclude that at a certain time in the 1970s, humanity had crossed an unprecedented watershed. Fuller was convinced that the accumulation of relevant knowledge, combined with the quantities of key recyclable resources that had already been extracted from the earth, had reached a critical level, such that competition for necessities was no longer necessary. Cooperation had become the optimum survival strategy. "Selfishness", he declared, "is unnecessary and...unrationalizable...War is obsolete..."[20]
Quem não pagaria um tanque de crude, dos pesados, para ver a srª drª Ferreira leite a interpretar estas músicas da década de 70 do séc. XX num palco perto de si. Poderia até ser no Campo Pequeno - com bar-aberto!!!
A quem ela chamaria Daddy cool - senão a Beléeeeeeeeem...
BONEY M. "HELP HELP" (Long Version)
Boney M - Ma Baker (1977)
Boney M - Sunny (1976)
Boney M. - We kill the World (1981)
Joe Dassin
Obs: Medite-se nesta estimulante reflexão do Francisco e confie-se que a América liderada por Obama consiga criar um sistema de relações políticas, económicas e culturais com o mundo que nos faça a todos designar a actual globalização predatória por globalização feliz, de rosto humano, personalista, desenvolvimentista (fazendo com que a economia sirva o homem). Obama terá, doravante, um duplo desafio: pessoal e político, embora a ordem possa ser diversa... Serão os custos da origem, os quais se podem converter em vantagens. We shall see...
Dá vontade de perguntar se nesse "sexo com penas" a relação também envolve patos. Patos depenados...
Minha querida Maureen,
Joe Dassin "Et si tu n'existais pas"