
Pequenas reflexões-síntese de Ulrich Beck

Da ciência à tecnologia, da economia à sociedade e ao ambiente, do poder doméstico ao poder global - o seminal sociólogo Ulrich Bech conseguia sempre afirmar-se com conceitos novos e fecundos, com grande potencial analítico e abrindo novas pistas de investigação para a comunidade científica. 
Deixo aqui, em singela homenagem, breves reflexões de Beck - que demonstram o vigor e a lucidez do seu pensamento e brilhantismo intelectual. Oxalá os académicos portugueses, que andam com os links na bagagem, após andarem a perorar de antena em antena a debitar banalidades - tivessem por referência (e por escola) um pouco do legado deste que agora parte. 
Parte mas deixa obra. Uma obra fecunda na qual vale a pena meditar. 

We are living in a world that is beyond controllability.
I held a conference in Harvard where Americans said they didn't believe in risk. They thought it was just European hysteria. Then the terrorist attacks happened and there was a complete conversion. Suddenly terrorism was the central risk.

In the first instance, therefore, global terrorism created a kind of global community sharing a common fate, something we had previously considered impossible.


In the final analysis, terror is also another proof of the fact that the superpower is not really a superpower. It was vulnerable.
I forced myself to think what is the new concept and it became clear to me that it was risk, not only in technology and ecology, but in life and employment, too.


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