The Fukushima video everybody needs to watch Read
The Fukushima video everybody needs to watch
wrong, affecting Japan and large areas of the Northern Hemisphere.
THIS VIDEO is the latest in a wave of videos and alarming stories that are cropping up in the media.
Part of the problem with this disaster are the mixed signals being given by the Japanese government, and other
governments around the world, and a number of experts who have been warning of the potential dangers.
governments around the world, and a number of experts who have been warning of the potential dangers.
Take 10 minutes to look at this video and try to make your own mind up as to whether there should be serious
cause for concern, and whether an international response to help with the clean-up is needed.
cause for concern, and whether an international response to help with the clean-up is needed.
THE VIDEO is a compilation, a brief overview that endeavors to cover the main points concerning this crisis. It
briefly covers the 3 core meltdowns, the vulnerable and leaky water storage tanks, radiation health effects,
contamination of the Pacific Ocean and marine life, Unit 4 collapse risk and Unit 4 fuel rod removal risk.
briefly covers the 3 core meltdowns, the vulnerable and leaky water storage tanks, radiation health effects,
contamination of the Pacific Ocean and marine life, Unit 4 collapse risk and Unit 4 fuel rod removal risk.
As the maker of the video says, the situation is ongoing and deteriorating, and it’s highly likely that it’s actually
worse than presented here. This is only a basic outline of some key elements, which a video editor has
compiled to try to present in a way that should be easily understood by everyone, particularly those who’ve not
been following this crisis.
worse than presented here. This is only a basic outline of some key elements, which a video editor has
compiled to try to present in a way that should be easily understood by everyone, particularly those who’ve not
been following this crisis.
antropocêntrica, a consideração dos danos - materiais e humanos -
é relevante para a sua qualificação. Daí ser imprescindível conhecer
a magnitude dos danos para se falar de uma catástrofe. Mas casos há
em que os danos são puramente ambientais, ou seja, não há baixas
humanas, mas nem por isso deixamos de poder classificar esses
eventos extremos como catástrofes naturais, pois um dia, alguém,
certamente ligado à comunidade científica com mais vocação e
sensibilidade para este tipo de questões essenciais à vida do Planeta,
reclamará esses danos ambientais - que, naturalmente, influem na
sustentabilidade do planeta e que, por isso, tem impacto nos
componentes vivos e não vivos desses ecosistemas atingidos que
acabam por interferir, mais cedo ou mais tarde, com a nossa própria
cadeia alimentar e modo de vida. Enfim, um tema de fronteira que
intersecta a Política, o Ambiente, a Gestão de riscos e o funcionamento global dos Estados, empresas
e organizações internacionais. E, já agora, de todos e de cada um de nós - cidadãos deste Planeta -
com direitos, mas também com obrigações e deveres para com o nosso Planeta.
Etiquetas: Catástrofes naturais, eventos extremos, sustentabilidade ambiental, The Fukushima, video
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