
Evocação de Noam Chomsky - Understanding Power -

Para os estarolas dos chicago-boys & girls que pensam que a resposta à recessão assenta no neoliberalismo bárbaro e na privatização cega e apressada das melhores empresas públicas em Portugal... 

“…take a look at the parts of the American economy that are competitive internationally: it’s agriculture, which gets massive state subsidies; the cutting edge of high-tech industry, which is paid for by the Pentagon; and the pharmaceutical industry, which is heavily subsidized through public science funding — those are the parts of the economy that function competitively. And the same thing is true of every other country in the world: the successful economies are the ones that have a big government sector. I mean, capitalism is fine for the Third World — we love them to be inefficient. But we’re not going to accept it. And what’s more, this has been true since the beginnings of the industrial revolution: there is not a single economy in history that developed without extensive state intervention, like high protective tariffs and subsidies and so on. In fact, all the things we prevent the Third World form doing have been the prerequisites for development everywhere else — I think that’s without exception.”

— Noam Chomsky, Understanding Power
