
Os "6 chapéus" de Edward de Bono: um mestre a pensar. Um paradigma do pensamento

Recuperamos aqui um texto de 2007
Un maitre à penser - dedicada ao Vitor Crespo - um gurú do marketing, em potência...

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Aqui não se escolhem senhoras, mas chapéus... A escolha é complexa, embora eu..., aponte para a "parabólica" do meio - geografia da virtude!!
[...] Edward de Bono, the inventor of lateral thinking, and Robert Heller, the renowned business management guru. We are building a free business and management library for all thinking managers and more Edward de Bono articles will be added. So if you don't find inspiring ideas about edward de bono today, why not bookmark this page and come back again soon? Our purpose is to help you and your business to survive, thrive and develop into a market-leading and world-beating organisation. To that end, we hope you find these edward de bono pages useful:
Um contributo importante para o chamado pensamento lateral (e criativo) por E. de Bono.
Thinking is the ultimate human resource. Yet we can never be satisfied with our most important skill. No matter how good we become, we should always want to be better."
Edward de Bono
"Thinking often proceeds as drift and waffle and reaction" writes de Bono. In Six Thinking Hats the author presents a simple but effective way to become a better thinker.
He separates thinking into six distinct modes, identified with six coloured "thinking hats":
White - facts, figures, and objective information
Red - emotions and feelings
Black - logical negative thoughts
Yellow - positive constructive thoughts
Green - creativity and new ideas
Blue - control of the other hats and thinking steps
"Putting on" a hat focuses thinking; "switching" hats redirects thinking. With the different parts of the thinking process thus clearly defined, discussions can be better focuses and more productive.
Using real-life situations as examples, De Bono creates scenarious that show how the effective use of "thinking hats"" can:

focus thinking more clearly

lead to more creative thinking

improve communication and thus decision making

Bono's concepts are applied by some of the world's largest corporations. Six Thinking Hats clearly illustrates why they have found his ideas essential for their management techniques.
Ora aqui está um conjunto de boas dicas para os blogers mais empenhados, criativos e dedicados explorarem e aplicarem nas análises do seu quotidiano. Como foi o Vitor Crespo que hoje me falou neste mestre do pensamento a matéria aqui sumariada é-lhe dedicada.
Edward de Bono, um nome a reter...
Eis um gato tão criativo quanto perigoso...

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