
David Caron - Catastrophes are a part of human history and endeavour

Catastrophes are a part of human history and endeavour. 
They pervade our lives and are certain part of our future.
Catastrophes humble the human effort to bring order to the world.

David Caron 

David D. Caron

David Caron '83 is an expert in international law. He currently teaches public international law, resolution of private international disputes, ocean law and policy, and the advanced international law writing workshop.

Caron is President of the American Society of International Law, Immediate Past Chair of the Advisory Board for the Institute of Transnational Arbitration of the Center for American and International Law, a member of the Global Agenda Council of the World Economic Forum, and a member of the U.S. Department of State Advisory Committee on Public International Law since 1993. He is the co-director of the Miller Institute on Global Challenges and the Law and the co-director of the Law of the Sea Institute, an international consortium of scholars that has played a major part in studies of ocean law since the 1970s. He is a member of the board of editors of the American Journal of International Law, a co-editor in chief of the World Arbitration and Mediation Review and co-editor in chief of the SSRN International Environmental Law Ejournal.
Before joining the Boalt faculty in 1987, Caron practiced with the San Francisco firm of Pillsbury Madison & Sutro. From 1985 to 1986, he was a senior research fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public and International Law. A Fulbright scholar and former navigator and salvage diver in the U.S. Coast Guard, Caron graduated from Boalt in 1983. He then served as a legal assistant to Judges Richard Mosk and Charles Brower at the Iran-United States Claims Tribunal in The Hague. [...]
