

Challenging the circunstances provide each of us an opportunity to give more of ouserlves, and through giving we receive blessings in return. Love for our nation's culture and landscape allows us offer this inspirational enjoyment to others. We have daily opportunities to influence lives. Our privilege, and obligation, is to help others enjoy, reflect upon, and find meaning in the places we work. So, our commitement to the profession of interpretation will enhance our own sense of purpose and well-being. We need to be connected and support each other in a reaffirmation of civilized values. So, an interpreter is someone deeply concerned with the welfare of visitors, their safety, their dignity and their experiences. This is the way we made this blog and keep it update, a mix of authority and humility; confidence and compassion; respect for the other and one´s own integrity, with criticism, enthusiasm and joy and some humour. An interpreter embraces the beauty of life. Now more than ever...
  • NB: to my d. F., who is supposed in the even